Filters & Reverse Osmosis
Want more than just a water softener?
Soft water is great and a necessity for many Utah Residents but we offer much more.
From whole-home filtration to reverse osmosis drinking water systems, we can improve the color, taste and smell of the water in your home.

Reverse Osmosis
Reverse Osmosis drinking water. What is it? The process of reverse osmosis forces water through a membrane with holes so small that it filters out practically all contaminants leaving you with only clean, pure water that tastes great.
Add a reverse osmosis system at your kitchen sink for pure, clean and fresh tasting water year round. Reverse osmosis can also be run to your refrigerator for the best ice and water you have ever had.
Reverse Osmosis dramatically reduces and in some cases completely removes:
VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds)
And almost 100 others!
Whole House Filtration
A whole house filtration sometimes called point of entry filtration, usually a carbon filter not only reduces sediments in the water but the carbon itself removes odor and improves the taste. Carbon filters are known to remove or significantly reduce over 120 contaminants including chlorine. Aside from the health benefits of removing chlorine from your water, your clothing and linens will last longer and not fade as fast. With a properly maintained carbon filter installed in front of your water softener, the resin in your softener has the potential to last for many more years than without a filter.
It is simple and easy to add a carbon filter to any water softener system so be sure to ask about one today.

Point Of Use Filtration
Point-of-use filtration is usually an inline or cartridge-style filter installed at a single faucet or location like a refrigerator to improve the taste color or remove odor.
These types of filters are great for kitchen sinks, bathroom faucets, and areas where you drink or cook with tap water. Depending on the type and size you choose, plan on annual or semiannual cartridge replacement. Replacement is simple and most homeowners can do it themselves. Or give us a call we are always happy to assist you.
Say goodbye to smelly ice cubes and off-putting colors in your drinking water call today for a free estimate.

Get It All!
Top of the line Water Softener
Reverse Osmosis
Whole House Carbon Filter
The best price in town!
Other companies charge up to 6k for this. We can do it for A LOT less than that. Call us today and let us prove it to you.